Destiny Duel

Role : Independent Developer
Development Time : 8 Months (August 2022 - March 2023)
Platforms : Steam, Windows
Engine : Unity
Language : C#
Genres : Multiplayer, PvP, Strategy, Psychological, Turn-Based

Game Info

Destiny Duel is a PvP Psychological Strategy game. The gameplay is similar to Rock Paper Scissors in that you are trying to predict your opponent while being unpredictable yourself, but Destiny Duel has a lot more depth due to the many different possible situations.
The game features only 4 controls/moves: Attack, Guard, Recover, and Dodge. The goal of the game is to eliminate your opponent using these moves while avoiding getting eliminated yourself. Players have 2 lives each and fight to gain an advantage by chipping away at their opponent's health and stamina.
Because there are only 4 controls, the game is easy to pick up and play with friends. For more competitive players, there is also a rank system with 10 ranks and 3 subranks.

My Experience

Things I learned from creating Destiny Duel include how to integrate Steam features with the game. This includes things likes saving data on the Steam cloud using Steam stats, adding Steam friends from within the game, and unlocking Steam achievements. I also learned how to make appealing UI, which includes smooth animations and transitions.
Some challenges I overcame include getting the rank system and Steam features to work properly.